Photo by Koen Van Weel (2021)


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Do you know the characteristics of a Self-actualizer?

You may be one if you hold efficient perceptions of reality. You are correct and honest in the way you judge situations.

You’re alerted by the superficial and dishonest. You strive for self-fulfillment.

You have unique characteristics. These characteristics give an accurate perception of reality.

You engage in meaningful pursuits outside of yourself.

That’s who this community is for: Self-Actualizers (agents of progress). We’re making the most of our lives.

︎How do we help self-actualizers?

🧠️ By forming a community whose common goal is to bring about serious advancement for each other.

🤯️ The plan is for our community to share with each other the systems, processes, and workflows we are successfully using in order to help each other grow.

︎ Fill out this form. Gain access to our SelfActualizer community.

You don’t need permission. Only 991 spots available. Join our Town. It’s an end-to-end encrypted and decentralized group chat platform.

Who: Sean Allen Fenn Enterprises New Media.
What: The business entity of artist, musician, entrepreneur named Sean Allen Fenn.
When: Existing in the “post-pandemic” era, starting 2020.
Why: In this new era, it would be advantageous to consider the context of all content we create, and capitalize on it where possible. Essentially, all of our videos, photos, writings and ideas today are shared online. That is digital media. It consists of the information created about who a person is and what the person does. We create what becomes a representation of our personality, promises, and problems. If we demonstrate how we solve those problems, it can attract others who need similar problems solved. This is a form of personal branding, with a vision of expansion towards new opportunities as of yet unknown.
updated 2025 January