
What makes flowers beautiful?

“My daughter Juliette, then age six, pointed out some flowers by the wayside. I asked her what she thought wild flowers were for. She gave a rather thoughtful answer:

Two things, she said, to make the world pretty, and to help the bees make honey for us. I was touched by this, and sorry I had to tell her that it wasn’t true.”

– Richard Dawkins, Climbing Mount Improbable (published in 1996).

Richard Dawkins explores evolutionary biology through the metaphor of a steep mountain. He uses the metaphor to illustrate how complex biological stuctures can evolve. They evolve through natural selection. Creationists argue about the improbability of such adaptations.
Evolution doesn’t require giant leaps. It proceeds through small, manageable steps. These small steps occur over a long duration of time. The analogy is this. Evolution is akin to ascending Mount Improbable. We ascend by gentle slopes rather than sheer cliffs.
There’s a mistaken perception. It’s that complex biological features must arise through divine intervention. In the same way, we expect a great brand to emerge overnight.

All it takes is a clever slogan and eye-catching logo.

If you are a CMO of a brand or decision maker for a brand, you already realize this. A great brand does not emerge by spontaneous generation. It evolves by adaptation and variation. It emerges step by step, through iteration. Conjecture and criticism.

It starts with a big idea. The reality is that no one can create a great brand for you. You need to have a clear description of what you want. It must be hard-to-vary. It must not be vague.

By now, you’re probably wondering why there’s no fancy journey, sales funnel, automated calendar scheduling. There’s no Discord either. No strings attached. Just a good, old fashioned phone call to find out if we’re a good fit for each other.

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Updated November 8, 2024  | ©2024 SAFE NEW MEDIA